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Nadezhda Slavova


Nadezhda Dimitrova Slavova was born on
30.04.1953. In 1976 she graduated Fine Arts at
The National Academy of Arts in Sofia. She has
14 years working experience as an animator,
art designer, director and script writer at The
Sofia Animation Studios.
Nadezhda’s films auteur are ‘‘Happy Man’’;
‘‘Kva Kva’’; ‘‘The Flea’’, ‘‘The Hadgehog’’; ‘‘The
Dream of the Naughty Lad’’ and ‘‘WOW’’. She is
a leading animator at ‘‘The Adventures of
Choko the Stork and Boko the Frog’’. She is
also a co-producer of two epizodes of the same
movie. Nadezhda makes the sets of the
summer edition of Sandman’s Goodnight
Stories for
Kids. She is main animator of ‘Treasure Island’
– the first Bulgarian full-length animation
movie. Nadezhda has hands on more than
20 adverts, all presented on The National
Television. Nadezhda worked for the National
Bulgarian Television, and other art studios.
Presently Nadezhda is founder and manager of
the first creative studio and advertising
agency in Bulgaria, called Animart. Many of her
ad spots have been presented and sold on
local and international markets (Russia,
Austria, France and Romania).
Nadezhda is author on two pilot silent comic
movies ‘Pony and Rudie’s Showtime’ part 2 for
which she is raising fonds.
Together with colleagues of hers from The
Bulgarian National Television, Nadezhda makes
series of show spot productions and corporate