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Ана Морфоза

Режисьор: Joao Rodrigues Страна: Portugal година: 2023 Времетраене: 10:00 Техника: Stop-motion (animated objects, puppets, clay animation, etc.) Категория: Късометражни филми [от 1 до 10 мин.] Продуцент: Rodrigo Areias Дистрибутор: no distributor В програмата:


"A little girl reads herself to sleep. As she dozes off, the physical world starts melting into an alternate reality where the contents of a book rule over the laws of physics.
Ana has to escape being swallowed by the overwhelming accumulation of printed knowledge and find her own space in a ...

Биография на режисьора

João Rodrigues (1981, Porto) His graduation short "Black & White" was selected for over 50 film festivals, from Cuba to India. He directed the documentary "Alexandrino" and "The Tile-Jail Toilet-Tale", founded the "Instant Tanz Company”. In 2014 he directed the short film "Fortunato- from here to S. Torcato" for Guimarães Capital of Culture.

